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The three most devoted breeds are what I specialize in as a dog behaviorist

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A CANINE BEHAVOURIST has revealed the three most loyal dog breeds on the planet - and it's good news if you're a fan of big dogs.

Will Atherton confessed that, in his eyes, German shepherds, labradors, and cane corsos were the most faithful breeds out there. 


Will took to TikTok to share the three dog breeds he thinks are the most loyalCredit: tiktok/@iamwillatherton/


He claimed labradors were particularly faithful to one person, and that German shepherds tend to be loyal too after strict trainingCredit: Getty

However, his followers took to the comments to fiercely defend dobermans and Yorkshire terriers, stunned that they had been left out of the line up. 

The dog expert, known online as @iamwillatherton, regularly shares pet and animal advice with his 824.500 followers. 

In a new TikTok, he said: “What are the most loyal dog breeds on the planet?

“Now every dog owner is going to tell you that their breed is especially loyal. 

“But as a canine behaviorist, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless breeds of hundreds of different types so I truly get to see which ones are actually incredibly loyal and which ones aren’t. 

“First up, I have to talk about the German shepherd. 

“If you put the work into building an incredible relationship with a German shepherd and train them regularly, they are devout, loyal loving dogs. 

“Next up has to be one of my favourite breeds, the labrador. 

“Labradors are not just loyal, but they’re incredibly loyal to one person. 

“Especially the working lines. Taking my working line lab Sully for example, yes he’s great with my family but frankly, all he cares about is me, and when me and him are next going to go out and work. 

“And I can’t talk about loyal without talking about the cane corso. 

“Probably the most loyal dog breed on the planet, but you have to earn that loyalty. 

“You have to earn that love, and you have to earn that respect. 

“Do it, and I don’t think there’s a more loyal breed on the planet.”

Fans loved his honesty, with the video gaining more than 1.1 million likes and 9.8 million views. 

In the comments, TikTok users shared their reactions, with one writing: “I kneeeeewwwwwww cane corso was one. My fav… they are the best.”

Although not all agreed, with another adding: “How you gonna say loyal and not mention the dobermans?”

Someone else put: “Doberman? They were purposefully bred for the protection of their owners. That is loyalty. Their nickname is Velcro - dogs.”

A third commented: “Don’t forget the little guys! My Yorkie is so loyal and protective of me.”


Article information

Author: Ernest Nelson

Last Updated: 1702586642

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Name: Ernest Nelson

Birthday: 1994-10-29

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Job: Project Manager

Hobby: Tennis, Soccer, Crochet, Quilting, Writing, Painting, Singing

Introduction: My name is Ernest Nelson, I am a radiant, important, risk-taking, striking, esteemed, expert, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.