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The worst NBA In-Season Tournament venues are listed below

While there have been a number of great court designs for the NBA In-Season Tournament, some are just not pretty.

Pelicans In Season Tournament Court-1


VIDEO: Exposing The DARK SIDE Of The NBA In-Season Tournament...
Heat Check
  • The San Antonio Spurs' court design for the In-Season Tournament resembles the Seattle Supersonics more than it does the Spurs, missing the mark.
  • The Detroit Pistons' court design for the tournament doesn't reflect their reputation of toughness and instead gives off an image of softness.
  • The Golden State Warriors' court design for the tournament doesn't match their aesthetic of dominance and excellence, with an unappealing color scheme that doesn't highlight the team.

The NBA In-Season Tournament brought along some new court designs in order for fans to differentiate the new event from the regular season games. While some courts have been neatly designed, others have been a pain to look at.

Whether it’s the color choice or the oversaturation of elements on those courts, some of the courts missed the mark entirely.

Of the 30 new courts, GIVEMESPORT ranked the five worst among them.

5 San Antonio Spurs

Throughout the regular season, the San Antonio Spurs used a court design that revolved primarily around the team’s logo. This black-and-white look gives way to a new design that’s more colorful and livelier than the usual look.

For the In-Season Tournament, San Antonio’s court uses a green and yellow colorway that changes the very identity of the Frost Bank Center. The problem here is that these colors are closer to those of the Seattle Supersonics than they are to the Spurs. Even the logo in the middle harkens back to the old Western Conference team made famous by Shawn Kemp and Gary Payton.

By using this design, the Spurs are leaning into the history of another franchise and not their own. It’s a shame, though, as their original color scheme would have looked good on Victor Wembanyama, who's helping put the team back on the map.

It’s hard to fathom what the Spurs and NBA were thinking when coming up with the design, but the choices made have been questionable.

4 Detroit Pistons

Over the years, the Detroit Pistons have built their reputation revolving around toughness and underdog-type competitiveness. As seen during the Bad Boy era and the 2004 championship team, the Motor City is truly defined by its grit.

Detroit’s court design for the NBA In-Season Tournament doesn’t live up to that reputation, though. The gray and red scheme isn’t particularly intimidating and the gray, too, is questionable, since many other teams opted for the same color somewhere in their designs.

The splash of red in the middle doesn’t pair well with the Detroit logo. If anything, it betrays the reputation Motor City has built over the years by giving off an image of softness to visiting teams rather than showcasing what makes the Pistons so tough to play against. Overall, the Pistons’ court just doesn’t exude fear.

3 Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors have been the definition of dominance and excellence in the modern era, having won four championships in the last ten years. Their In-Season Tournament court design, however, doesn’t reflect those qualities at all.

At first glance, it's clear the color scheme and design elements aren't particularly related to the Warriors' aesthetic. The court mixes a light shade of brown and yellow that don't look great together. The shade of brown, in particular, isn’t enticing enough to look at for an entire game. The strip of yellow in the middle isn’t helping either, since it further highlights the predominantly brown court. This design choice seems like a missed opportunity to use livelier colors, like blue and yellow, which would have highlighted the team more and been consistent with its usual scheme.

The court isn't doing any favors for Stephen Curry, who's in the midst of an MVP-caliber campaign for Golden State. The Warriors could have very well have a chance to win the tournament, but watching each game might cause your eyes to swell up.

2 Washington Wizards

Like the Pistons, the Washington Wizards decided to go for a gray court adorned with a bright green strip down the middle. Rather than using the franchise’s typical color scheme of white, blue, and red, the team opted for a more muted and bland design.

The use of a green middle area contrasts the Wizards’ logo rather since its colors aren't particularly close to the team's classic design. It would have been better if gray wasn’t the dominant color. In any case, the Wizards’ current outlook this season definitely matches the design their court uses for the tournament.

Hopefully, the court design won’t be much of a distraction for the team's leading scoring duo of Jordan Poole and Kyle Kuzma.

1 New Orleans Pelicans

Of all the NBA In-Season Tournament courts, the New Orleans Pelicans’ design stands out as the worst. Although the use of a purple, neon green, and gold scheme ties back to the city’s Mardi Gras celebration, it doesn’t quite work for a basketball court design. The combination of these colors is an eyesore, and it could make watching the Pelicans games more difficult because of how much the colors are mapped out.

Overall, it’s just too distracting to look at. Perhaps the Pelicans were attempting a more video-game look for their court, but the execution certainly failed in the final product.

With the In-Season Tournament here, there’s a lot to look forward to when it comes to competition and all the various storylines running around the league. Unfortunately, these court designs won’t be among them.

Bucks' NBA In-Season Tournament Court


Ranking the top 5 NBA In-Season Tournament courts

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Author: Elizabeth Wilson

Last Updated: 1702931522

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Name: Elizabeth Wilson

Birthday: 1965-08-07

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Job: Construction Manager

Hobby: Poker, Graphic Design, Rowing, Geocaching, Raspberry Pi, Playing Piano, Soccer

Introduction: My name is Elizabeth Wilson, I am a multicolored, steadfast, receptive, courageous, unguarded, Precious, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.